Reading the Bible All The Way

Mike from Our Daily Bible Blog said that 127 people signed up yesterday and 70 the day before. Not too late to join up and travel with us as we read the Bible all the way from cover to cover in 2006. What you may not know is the incredible amount of images that are interspersed with the readings. Once I have clicked on the link from my News Reader and read my 3 or 4 chapters, I check out the art inside the commentary. Its very cool! This image is from yesterday’s page.


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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Protagonist says:

    I’m doing the same thing here, though I’m a little more low key about it.

  • Alan Cross says:

    Good challenge. I decided to take it as well. I’ve actually never done it before and it just seemed right this year. In the message on Sunday, I printed out the Bible reading plan for everyone and challenged our congregation to join me – I also gave them the oneyearbibleblog website. Quite a few people were excited about it and said that they were going to do it. We’ll see what happens, but thanks for reminding me of a simple thing that I hope really has an impact on our folks. Thanks again.
    Also, I switched my little blog to typepad and have decided to use it with my church for further teaching (teaching notes, commentary, thoughts on life, etc.). I think it is going to be a really good thing to create discussion throughout the week. Thanks again for all of your leadership and the way you keep giving us insight. May God bless you and your family this year in amazing ways!

  • andrew jones says:

    thanks alan
    hey – greg e. will be in prague this month and i might see him.

  • Alan Cross says:

    Great! If you think of it, tell him that my wife, Erika and I said hello!

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