Final Friday Fax

Friday Fax is over, after 11 years of informing millions of people about what God is doing around the world every week. More on the story here.

Andrewandwolfsimson100Wolfgang Simson (right) has been a fantastic friend over the past 5 years. About a year ago, in a Zurich pub, Wolfgang told me he was going to stop writing the Friday Fax. Marc Van der Woude was at the table also and offered Joel News to help in the transition. And now that time has come. Wolfgang has sent out the final Friday Fax.

What’s next?

FridayFax2 will be “an exciting regular Kingdom-Content news service for Christians that need to know where we are going.” and Holland based Joel News will pick up some of FF’s subscribers. Also, a new service called Mammon-Fax (that he did not tell me about) intends to “disrobe Mammon and rob him of his influence in your life, particularly in the area of work, and encourage you to scale previously unthinkable financial walls with God.” I guess a lot of this is based on Wolfgang’s new emphasis on financial management. Much of it based on his controversial new book “Preis des Geldes” (The Price of Money) which he co-published with Dr. Thomas Giudici, previously Chief Treasurer of Basel. Wolfgang’s first book Houses That Change The World (PDF) is my favourite book on house church.

Also, a new blog for the DAWN Europe Team begins in a few days at

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Mike Morrell says:

    Wow, it’ll be sad to see this go. But time marches on, I suppose, and it’ll be cool to see how the new resources work out. Of course, I’m a cheapskate so I’ll have to hear from others how they’re doing… : )

  • Jeff says:

    I’d be interested in knowing how you discipline yourself to write? What’s your daily schedule look like? Do you blog at a certain time and post it later, or is it more as the mood hits?
    I always enjoying swinging by and absorbing your thoughts. Thanks!

  • Mike Morrell says:

    Hey, that’s a good question, Andrew.
    Tell us how the best alt.Xian blogger does his daily rhythm!

  • Do you have an email for Wolfgang? I had one from his website but it does not work anymore.

  • Keith says:

    Where is Wolfgang Simson’s New Book, doesnt he know that we can’t exist only with the Bible as a source for encouragement and direction! JK, I am looking forward to his new book, any idea of when it will be released?

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