Emergent Village New Site

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Nice looking site for emergentvillage.com, which reminds me a little of Willzhead blog. But unfortunately i have been EXCOMMUNICATED from the listing of Emergent leaders.

The old site had me proudly on the team of Senior Fellows, with a link, a Bio, and lots of impressive scholastic achievements. But the new site apparently doesn’t know where to place me – I am not living in America anymore, as I was when i HELPED TO FORM Emergent and its earlier incarnations. And i am not really assigned to a particular country since i wander too much.

Thus, I am no longer on the site. Either that, or the fact that a few days ago i said that emergent is just one of the emerging church networks in USA, not the sum of them.

However, I will not take this personally. I still LOVE all those people. Even if they don’t love me . . . . {sob) But I will not think on it at all. Not at all. Right . . . . pull myself together. . . . , get off the floor, change my hanky, and get on with the day.

UPDATE: Good news


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Charlie Wear says:

    Ah, the thrill of victory (inclusion as a senior fellow, nice pic and bio) and the agony of defeat (noninclusion from the updated web site). Maybe senior fellows don’t fit into the lovely bubble-like diagram describing the non-structure of the non-movement? 🙂 I can’t help but smile. Don’t weep too long, I am sure you will be restored to your rightful “super-friend” (remember David Hopkin’s article?) status….In the meantime I guess you’ll have to de-emerge? This is a new word that I am trying out…It has a kind of turtle in the shell connotation, doesn’t it….

  • jared says:

    The man without a home–so sad. We should probably get ahold of your enormous red-haired friend and see what he can do about that.

  • Does that mean you lose your “Superfriend” membership as well and the 10% discount card?

  • erickeck says:

    there probabally just holding out till they create the “super cool traveling dude link” to include you

  • Brian Orme says:

    maybe they heard you were a commonist…

  • Andrew Jones says:

    hey – shudddduuppp . . you lamers!

  • robbymac says:

    Pomergent. It’s a slippery combination of postmodern and emergent.
    Or is it a slippery shorthand for “post-emergent”?
    Welcome to the ranks of the anonymous! 🙂

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